ENOUGH – Gun Violence in the USA by Bill Dahl

A friend from the USA asked me a question this week on FB – regarding the massacre of 19 children and 2 teachers (and the husband of a murdered teacher who died of heart failure 2 days after the murder of his wife) in Uvalde, Texas. Here is her question:
“Bill Dahl Aren’t you glad you don’t live in the US anymore?”
My answer: “Karen – Yes – However – Living there or not does NOT reduce the horror, pain, heartbreak, disgust and shame we feel quite acutely. We are proud and grateful American citizens – whose fathers, brothers, nephews, friends and uncles proudly served in the U.S. Armed Forces – like you. We now live intentionally abroad – as we cherish other cultures and decided it was in the best interest of our holistic health as a couple – to leave the U.S. to embrace adventure, challenges, travel , new cultures, new human relationships, better weather, and explore our interests and curiosities as a retired couple together elsewhere. Our journey was never about running from something in the USA. We remain (as we were before we departed the USA to live abroad) oh so concerned about the state of the USA’s 21st century democracy experiment. We have been crying together – multiple times in the past two weeks – wailing aloud at times – as we witnessed the news from the slaughter in Buffalo, NY – and now in the horrific massacre in Uvalde, Texas.
No compassionate human being can have a reaction to this ongoing insanity whereby “distance” ( social, chronological, emotional and/or physical ) reduces the outrage from the source of this infectious scourge. I will have an article published about just this issue via several international media outlets on June 3rd 2022 ( the editors are working on it now ) – that more effectively portrays our feelings about all this. In August 2019, Jacki and I drove from Bend, Oregon to El Paso, Texas to the Memorial adjacent to the WalMart.
My article about this experience is accessed by this- link – and represents our current horror and hopes to address thus insanity in the USA. Stand up and speak out now people!!! Call your elected officials in DC, your state capitols, and show up at your local City and County Council meetings to officially register your outrage – and specify the changes our country requires NOW regarding essential gun reform legislation!
ENOUGH – El Paso Wal Mart Memorial
This issue is another major target pillar of those who continue to hack away at the integrity within the sacred foundation of our fragile democracy. God Bless you Karen for your courage, insights. and ongoing advocacy as a proud American who clearly cherishes the contributions of those who came before us to preserve our Union – and one who deeply appreciates the current and emerging threats, challenges and frailties of OUR American democracy.
El Paso, Texas Massacre Memorial August 2019

May God outpour a multitude of blessings upon you and yours – and the United States of America. Your friends, Bill & Jacki Dahl – Central Mexico.


PLEASE JOIN US – MAKE AN ENDURING COMMITMENT TO STAY THE COURSE so the will to implement comprehensive U.S. gun reforms does not wilt.

This includes:

  1. Automatic weapons ban in the U.S.
  2. Comprehensive/no exceptions background checks in the U.S. – with annual updates.
  3. Ban on bump stocks and/or automation modification.
  4. A comprehensive gun buy-back program throughout the U.S.
  5. Comprehensive federal registration of each and every gun in the U.S. along with EXPENSIVE national licensing requirements….including annual background re-checks and annual licensing of the same. Make it vastly more costly to own any gun. Own a car? It has a registration. Own a gun? Same requirement.
  6. Forfeiture of gun ownership rights – and any weapons in possession – under specific conditions – for both current and prospective gun owners.
  7. Comprehensive Federal Red Flag legislation.
  8. Substantially extend waiting times for purchasing ANY gun…whether you own one now or not.
  9. Outlaw modification of any firearm to become an automatic weapon…including the mechanisms/equipment that accomplishes the same.
  10. Define “weapons of war” and outlaw the same for civilian populations in the U.S.
  11. Any party who sells an automatic weapon or weapon of war to any individual – upon conviction – shall receive a mandatory 5 year mandatory sentence in federal prison as a felony – no exceptions – no parole – no judicial discretion.
  12. Civilians who possess automatic weapons, bump stocks and ammunition must surrender the same immediately to authorities – who shall destroy the same.
The Children



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