Here’s another Weekly Whiff of Economic $scents
Fondling the Job Knob
The most frequent word used during the Republican party presidential nominee debates is reported as “job.” Honestly, the term has become a fixture on the dial of the words each and every politician has pre-programmed into every public utterance.
The problem is, a real world challenge has become a simple point of reference or keyword that is a required utterance…It’s just a teaser…it’s foreplay. It’s just “fondling the job knob.” The problem is, foreplay typically results in an appetite for something more.
American voters deserve a discussion that gets to the meat of the matter. If values and beliefs about how someone proposes to run the largest economy in the world – both parties need to give up the specifics…what they believe will result in a vastly more satisfactory experience for the participants involved. American voters need the full meal deal…to determine whether this critical component of our compatibility is present…prior to making any commitment about marriage for “four more years.”
To use a phrase from David Brooks column today, what must be done is to “select bold policies from both ends.”
“Ready on the set…Camera…Action!”
The whole world’s watching…