The Great-Tailed Grackles or Zanates of Queretaro Mexico

Canon EOS 5D Mark II


In Mexico, great-tailed grackles are referred to as Zanates; a type of blackbird that are known to congregate in large flocks.


Great Tailed Grackle – photo by


In Queretaro, we see them in large flocks, in the evening, about 45 minutes before official sunset and about 20 minutes thereafter. During this time they fly between feeding areas (higher elevations) and roosting grounds (lower elevations). In our Colonia (Lomas del Marques – higher elevation), we watch them fly over in flocks of thousands every evening from the El Campanario area over the Hercules valley, around the colonia of Millenio to their nighttime resting places in the city below.

When they fly over in massive flocks you can hear their wings above. It’s truly amazing. 

They are pictured here in photos from the last several weeks. When I am out shooting sunsets, t’s common for these flocks to fill my field of view toward the west.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II = Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus


Canon EOS 5D Mark II – Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus


For more photos of the flocks of the Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) see this Photo Album




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