
As of July 2024,   I have garnered over 5.5 MILLION views on my Flickr photography site…. that’s a bunch of viewers…Thank you for your support and encouragement. I am deeply honored and grateful.


June 24, 2024 – FLICKR is among the top 400 websites worldwide and the top 290 in the United States as of 2022, with more than 112 million registered members and 60 million active users. On June 24, 2024 my photo (BELOW) was selected by FLICKR Editors to be featured on their EXPLORE page. This is, indeed, an honor. I am grateful.


Sunset Haystack Reservoir - 4


CLICK the embedded link above to peruse  my FLICKR photography site.

ENLARGEMENTS and authorized digital downloads AVAILABLE  – Contact me…

                                                  Paulina Villarreal Velez


Questions? Comments? Requests? Get in touch.

You can view Bill Dahl’s Photography ( Copyrighted and ALL Rights Reserved) at:


(NOTE: Getty Images licenses some of my photography work).


Contact me for licensing.

My photography is on-line for your enjoyment. It can be viewed by clicking on the links above (or simply search the web “Bill Dahl Photography” or “Photo by Bill Dahl” or “Photography by Bill Dahl”). Also – Use the search feature on this site.

There are too many AWARDS to itemize here. My images have been featured by international, national, regional and local media outlets in the U.S. I have won international awards.

Have the desire to discuss your photography or art requirements? Contact me at dahlbill(at)gmail(dot)com. I’ll be happy to discuss and explore your needs and ideas. Personal, commercial or gifts.

ENLARGEMENTS and digital downloads AVAILABLE  (non-commercial limited use license – I retain the rights to the image – you are authorized to use it) for Home, Office, Hospitals, exhibitions, colleagues, friends, families, quinceañera, friends, birthday, anniversary, communion, Journalism – Web imagery – Social Media content – Pets – Portraits – People – Places – Parties – Precious Moments – Children – Indoor – Outdoors – Grandparents – Industrial – Commercial – Real Estate – Geography – Graduation – Birthdays – Objects – Valuables – Security – Personal Property – Insurance Verification – Weather – Beauty – Memories – Vacations – Waterfalls – Lakes – Rivers – Sunrise – Sunset – Oceans – Moments – Beaches – Mountains – Hikes – National Parks – Voyages – Cruises – Journeys – Artists – you name it.

I travel abroad with clients.

Let’s talk!

All photographic images on these sites is the intellectual property of Bill Dahl. Permission from Bill Dahl – in writing – is required for any use of the content on these sites or any other. (ALL Rights Reserved 2009/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22,23,2024)









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"How might words, images and ideas open minds, warm hearts and inspire imagination? May you find them refreshing and share them among your people."

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