The WARNING – Mexico’s Rising Metal Rock Trio – by Bill Dahl

My article entitled: The WARNING: Mexico's Rising Metal Rock Trio - Unveiling the Sisters Behind the Band that's Redefining Hard Rock was published July 3, 2024 by MeerContinue Reading ››

Bill Dahl’s Photo Selected for FLICKR EXPLORE AWARD

Sunset Haystack Reservoir -- Oregon  June 24, 2024 – FLICKR is among the top 400 websites worldwide and the top 290 in the United States as of 2022, with more than 112 million registered members and 60 … Continue Reading ››

Has Mexico’s Relocation Bargain Bubble Burst for US Retirees?

Mexico’s relocation bargain bubble fiesta has deflated for those US retirees with limited or fixed retirement resources, seeking a lower cost of living and the desire to maintain a similar lifestyle they enjoyed in the US. (This article was published in Europe on June 3, … Continue Reading ››

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