City of Redmond, Oregon Election 2018 – DON’T BE DECEIVED

WARNING: State of Oregon Voters Pamphlet Deception: (Print Version) Redmond Voters: SEE Pages 9-34, 9-35 and 9-36 are DECEPTIVE…George Endicott, Krisanna Clark-Endicott, and Jay Patrick are identified as “Non-Partisans.” THIS IS NONSENSE!!! EACH of these candidates has  self-identified as “REPUBLICAN” in previous public pronouncements. Endicott endorsed Patti Adair for Pete’s sake. EACH of these candidates are died in the wool right wing conservative Republicans. Krisanna Clark Endicott was the subject of a recall election in October 2017 (ONE YEAR AGO) in Sherwood Oregon. Sherwood City Councilwomen Jennifer Harris and Sally Robinson were removed from office in that recall election on October 17, 2017. Krisanna Clark-Endicott was targeted for recall in the same recall election in Sherwood — but she resigned from office on October 3, 2017. Clark-Endicott touts “Prior Governmental Experience: Republican Nomination for State
Representative, District 26, 1992 ,” in a previous State of Oregon Voters Pamphlet. DON’T BE DECEIVED.

NOTE: George Endicott is endorsed by Republican Greg Walden in the 2018 State of Oregon Voters Pamphlet. Republican Tony DeBone endorses Jay Patrick while Republican Patti Adair endorses Krisanna Clark Endicott…in the 2018 State of Oregon Voters Pamphlet.



3 thoughts on “City of Redmond, Oregon Election 2018 – DON’T BE DECEIVED”

  1. Thank you very much for posting this! I was doing some research into the city candidates since I don’t know as much about them, and this helps a lot. I really appreciate you informing people of the truth. Thank you.

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