The Henry’s Fork of the Snake River is a misnomer. When you think of a “fork” humans typically think of a “fork in the road.” Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to the Henry’s Fork of the Snake River.
The Henry’s Fork is actually a REGION rather than a fork in the road. Take a look at this Google Map to garner an appreciation for what I’m saying here. The Henry’s Fork region is estimated to inhabit some 1.7 million acres and in excess of 3,000 miles of various forms of too many rivers, meadowlands, waterfalls, streams and canals to name here — in BOTH eastern Idaho, Yellowstone National Park and western Wyoming.
The region is typically divided between the area above Ashton, Idaho and the area below Ashton.
This is considered the North Fork of the Snake river, also known as the infamous Henry’s Fork. It is a river of unique diversity. Originating as a small stream at it’s headwaters near the Idaho-Montana border, it rapidly evolves into a flowing river with the spring waters originating from Big Springs. The system includes tail waters, flowing flats, remote and rugged canyons, numerous waterfalls and superb riffles flowing through a varied and vast geography.
The Rainbow trout fishing here is world renowned. Other species include brookies, cutthroat, hybrids and browns.
The insect populations is rich and diverse. Species include stoneflies, mayflies, caddis flies, salmon flies, drakes, hoppers and other bugs that provide trout with a splendid food source.
This section of the river includes the famous Henry’s Lake, Box Canyon and Harriman State Park segments. In Last Chance, Idaho you can visit the world famous Mike Lawson‘s Henry’s Fork Fly Shop, Three Rivers Ranch (Warm River, Idaho)or The Trout Hunter ALL THREE are HIGHLY recommended) for your gear, guide or guidance requirements.
The Lower Henry’s Fork of the Snake River, is considered the flow below Ashton Reservoir. (aka South Fork). This includes the area that flows through Swan Valley (Idaho).
This region is your gateway to some of the most spectacular scenery on EARTH.
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