Please join us today in praying for those, killed, wounded and their families and friends in the Tucson, AZ shooting today.
As Theologian Eugene Peterson has said, “a great deal of what we live by is unseen.” No matter your faith persuasion, if any, may you join me in an audible utterance that God may have mercy on those referred to above and restore them to health.
The following from Stanley Hauerwas is a pertinent contemplation here:
“No, we must remember that the violence that provides the resources for the powers of the world to do their work lies in each of our souls….Instead I can take the time to do one thing that might help myself and lead others to God’s peace.”(2)
(1) Peterson, Eugene Practice Resurrection, Wm. B. Eerdsman Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, MI (c) Copyright 2010, p. 128.
(2) Hauerwas, Stanley The Peaceable Kingdom, University of Notre Dame Press, Copyright (c) 1983 by University of Notre Dame Press, p. 150.