
Some say I’m a fool,
“It’s just your imagination.”
Expecting something better,
“Simply wishful anticipation.”

I feel sorry for those folks,
The one’s whose lives are filled with “nope.”
Those submerged in a sea of endurance,
Awakening everyday to cope.

I can’t envision life,
Without the ability to wish and dream.
Eagerly awaiting the first nibble,
Like when you fish a stream.

“It’s just wishful thinking!”
They muttered, mocked and scoffed.
As a breeze came from somewhere,
And provided me with loft.

As I walked among them,
A few began to ask:
“Where does your outlook come from,
That you apply to this days task?”

I looked them in the eye,
They could hear it in my voice.
“It’s a gift I guess.
One I exercise by choice.”

“Where’d you get this gift?
How much did it cost?”
I said, “It found me.
It’s priceless when one is lost.”

“I didn’t earn this thing.
It’s not something that is mine.
Yet it’s authentic compared to those who say,
“I’m O.K.” or “I’m just fine.”

“I have come to understand,
What I have did not come from a place.
It came from He who created us,
Who has breathe, a heart and face.”

Lift your arms into the air,
Close your eyes and feel the breezes.
Ask Him to fill your life with hope.
Soar with your Sweet Jesus.

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