My most recent study of Corruption in Mexico – An Environmental and Public Health Perspective – is out for peer review. It is also being considered for publication by several sources. I will post it here if, when, I get the green light. It is a tome – some 43 pages in length (includes References/Endnotes).
Here is the ABSTRACT: Corruption in Mexico – An Environmental and Public Health Perspective by Bill Dahl
In this analysis I examine specific environmental and public health hazards in the Lake Chapala basin in Jalisco, Mexico as a consequence of corruption in Mexico. As elements of this examination, we address the state of measuring corruption in society. We also review the data regarding the presence of corruption in Mexico at present. Next, we analyze how environmental and public health hazards are legitimate consequences of corruption. We address how the recent political changes in Mexico represent the opportunity to implement the effective policy, financing and regulatory framework to more effectively interrupt the sources of corruption that have fed the depth, breadth and current state of this specific array of ongoing, unaddressed, environmental and public health hazards. Finally we propose policy considerations to intervene, rehabilitate, and restore Lake Chapala as a critical source of water for millions of residents of Guadalajara and the surrounding area in the State of Jalisco. This work product is testament to the necessity for journalists who can be trained along with civil society organizations to present the consequences of corrupt acts on the human right to water and sanitation. Note: People are getting sick…people are dying…
This writing is now included in my book: Lake Chapala – Beneath The Surface. You can find the book on Amazon, Apple, and now in paperback being distributed to independent book stores and libraries.