Charlie Wear lost his wife Loretta Wednesday March 14, 2012 at 10AM.
Charlie’s post regarding the circumstances surrounding Loretta’s passing is here.
Charlie and Loretta have a nine year old son, Ben. Please pray for Charlie, Ben,
and their family members. Loretta’s memorial service will be Saturday March 17th.
Saturday March 17th 2012 2:00pm
Miller-Jones Moreno Valley
23618 Sunnymead Blvd
Moreno Valley, CA
Pastor Tom Chapman
Pastor Ian Peterson
Co-Celebrant 2
Pastor Carl Tuttle
Charlie called me early this morning and he is as well as can be expected.
As many of you know, Charlie is the
Editor of Next-Wave: Church and Culture – and has been doing so voluntarily –
out of his own pocket – out of his heart for Jesus – for you – for us -for this world –
for over 10 years now. It’s at times like these when a dear friend loses something
incalculably valuable that, unfortunately, I am driven to recall the precious
contributions they have made so selflessly, to my life,
and the lives of so many others.
I’m going to eat a double-double from INN-N-OUT burger soon,
(with an order of fries and chocolate shake) in memory of Loretta…
– it was the only meal we ever enjoyed together…a meal I will NEVER forget….
her smile, kindness, warmth, sense of humor and hospitality. Feeding french fries to
Reggie in her home at the dining room table…