Letters to a Young Evangelical by Tony Campolo

Letters To A Young Evangelical
February 2007 Book Review

There’s HOPE! Once again, leave it to Dr. Campolo to lead the way to the rays we need to proceed toward. An incredibly level-headed, even-handed, sensitive, yet forthright literary treatment about navigating the seas of faith we find ourselves in. Here is a man who has dedicated his life to following Jesus and teaching, encouraging and leading others to do the same.

For many, Campolo outlines his hope for “a new way” for not simply following Jesus, but actually becoming His hands, heart and feet in a broken, hurting world. To “become” we are going to have top discard some of the baggage that has compartmentalized what it means to “be” a Christian today (particularly in the U.S.).

For some, the “changes” Campolo outlines will be too much to consider. Yet, Christ said the same thing, I’m afraid. The book is filled with “living life” examples of what it means (or can come to mean) when one identifies oneself as a Christian. Campolo’s desire is that we need not speak…that our actions will demonstrate the love, mercy and grace of Jesus, by those who claim His Name.

The challenges laid out by Dr. Campolo are foreboding and real. Resonating from the pages of this book is a heartfelt desire for those who follow in this great Christian leader’s footsteps, to become the one’s who authentically reflect the characteristics of the One we claim as God…Jesus Christ. He doesn’t stop there. Campolo is deeply compassionate for a more material impact on this globe for the opportunities that are apparent today, by virute of collaborative, sacrificial acts of love by we, His follower’s.

An essential piece for your personal library…that should be consulted regularly. Like I said, an indispensible treasure.

Thank you Dr. Campolo.

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