The Myth of a Christian Nation – How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church

The Myth of a Christian Nation – How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church

Dr. Gregory Boyd tackles an incredibly emotional yet very important issue in this book. His treatment of this subject is unequivocally ther BEST I have ever read…pragmatic, Biblically sound and challenging.

A quote from page 143 captures the essence of the book: “Jesus never allowed Himself to be defined by the political conflicts of His day, and neither should we. The distinctly kingdom question is not, How should we vote? The distinctly kingdom question is, How should we live?”

From the life of Jesus, the history of the Christian faith, and the reality of the present, Dr. Boyd makes a solid argument for dispensing with the “we and they” syndrome that the allure of political power has created for the Christian community today.

Frankly, the book illustrates the fact that man’s quest for political power in the name of God, always ends up in the same place — man’s attempts to represent God by the exercise of political power creates unintended, negative consequences (to say the least).

Listen and prayerfully consider what Dr. Boyd is talking about here. I believe it to be both a timely and richly rewarding work. I pray we act upon what he is so clearly laying out…there’s a better way…a way ahead modeled by Jesus Christ.

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