An excerpt of my forthcoming book was published on December 3, 2024 by (formerly Wall Street International Magazine). The projected publication date is November 2025. Publisher inquiries are currently being considered … Continue Reading ››
Landscapes of Fear - The 2024 US Presidential ElectionThe following is my article regarding the November 5, 2024 US presidential election. It is entitled Landscapes of Fear. It was published in Europe by Continue Reading ››
Mexico’s relocation bargain bubble fiesta has deflated for those US retirees with limited or fixed retirement resources, seeking a lower cost of living and the desire to maintain a similar lifestyle they enjoyed in the US. (This article was published in Europe on June 3, … Continue Reading ››
Summary:Canaries in the American Coal MineInsights on the state of American democracy - by observing canaries from their Nest in the West, Today, the canaries in the depths of … Continue Reading ››
During my graduate work, I had a professor who had an enduring, indelible impact on my life. One of his more memorable notions was the necessity to remain sensitive to the alerts from your “crap detector.” The … Continue Reading ››
"How might words, images and ideas open minds, warm hearts and inspire imagination? May you find them refreshing and share them among your people."