The Warning - Queretaro, MXThe WARNING - released their new single HURT yesterday 12/12/2024...Congratulations to the Villarreal-Vélez sisters from Monterrey, MX..(I had the privilege/honor … Continue Reading ››
I have shot with film since the 70's. About 15 years ago I switched to digital: Canon EOS 7D DSLR with a Canon 24-105mm f4.0 L lens along with a Canon 70-200mm f2.8 L telephoto lens, a Canon 2X extender (allows me to shoot … Continue Reading ››
To creatively explore and establish new charts, coordinates and colonies in the hard rock n roll universe.#TheWarning - Mexico Launches Moon Shot - by Bill Dahl
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"How might words, images and ideas open minds, warm hearts and inspire imagination? May you find them refreshing and share them among your people."